State-by-state impact. Rep. Rosa DeLauro (Conn.), top Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee, will circulate a brand-new chart detailing on a state-by-state basis how much federal aid will be lost if the bipartisan CR package is derailed by Republicans.
The disaster supplemental bill contains crucial funds for families in all 50 states,
Washington, D.C., territories, and Tribes to rebuild their homes, restore their communities,
and reestablish their local economies.
Hardworking Americans have bravely persevered after facing horrific disasters and have
patiently waited for long-due assistance in managing and funding rebuilding and recovery
This supplemental disaster funding is critical for reconnecting regions, regrowing
economies, and restoring a sense of normalcy where disasters have upended day-to-day
lives, and delaying these resources will only lead to greater suffering and slower recovery
for all those who are desperate to move on.
Below is a subset of the investments communities stand to lose out on if Congress walks
away from the bipartisan, bicameral disaster relief package.
State-by-State Threatened Investments.